How Do I Link Text to an Internal Website Page?

You might need to refer your visitors to other internal pages in your website. An easy way to do this is to add a link in a text box that connects your visitors to another page in your website.

  1. On your website page, click the text box.

    The settings panel opens on the right side of the Website Builder.

  2. Click the Text tab. Your cursor is automatically placed inside the text box.
  3. Either highlight the text to link or place your cursor before the text where the link will appear.

  4. Click the icon to open the Format settings. And then click the Create Link button.

  5. In the Create a Link panel, the highlighted text appears in the Text to display field.

  6. In the URL field, click the drop-down arrow to select the internal page in your website.
  7. In the Open in field, click the drop-down arrow to select whether the link should open in a New Window or the Same Window.
  8. Click the Done button.

The link to the internal website page is added to your text box.